


Anti Vibration Technologies (AVT) is the partner of choice for research laboratories and OEM customers all over the world. The close cooperation with the scientific community is the foundation for our success. It creates unique synergies of pioneering ideas and turns them into products perfectly tailored to the requirements of today’s challenges in the world. The product portfolio comprises integrated system solutions as well as single components for use in Audio Reproduction, Biology & Neuroscience, Cryostats, Laboratory Balances & Industrial Scales, Large Displacement Systems, Laser & Optical Systems, Micro Hardness Testing & Nano Indentation, Microelectronics & MEMS Fabrication, Microscopy, Moisture Analyzers, Planetary Ball Mills, Spacecraft Ground Testing, Thermogravimetric Analyzer, and Vacuum Isolation.

Our Core Values

[numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Passion & =Innovation=” last=”no” ]Our customers not only inform us; they inspire us. We believe in constantly pushing the envelope of what is possible, so we can help scientists change the way we understand our world. Check out our new products![/numbers_sections]
[numbers_sections number=”2″ title=”Value-Added =Partnerships=” last=”no” ]Our worldwide network of support and service is focused on responding to the needs and desires of the research community. Want to learn more about how we can meet your research needs? Contact us today.[/numbers_sections]
[numbers_sections number=”3″ title=”Precision =Vibration=” last=”no” ]Our products enable ultra-precision research, measurements, and manufacturing in fields of photonics, semiconductor manufacturing, life sciences, drug discovery, nanotechnology, etc.[/numbers_sections]
[numbers_sections number=”4″ title=”Excellent =Customer Service=” last=”yes” ]We take pride in our excellent customer service. If you would like to discuss your budget requirements or any specifics about your equipment needs for your lab then get in touch today.[/numbers_sections]

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